A graphene diode with bias-induced barrier modulation
Ref.-Nr.: 1201-5155-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes are very promising for application as rectennas for solar energy harvesting, photo-detectors and high frequency mixers. Good MIM diode performance requires a high asymmetry, a strong nonlinearity, a large responsively, as well as a low resistance or a high on-current. These figures of merit are mainly determined by the work function difference of the electrodes, and the barrier height between the insulator and the electrode materials. In the design of MIM diodes, ...
Weiterlesen … A graphene diode with bias-induced barrier modulation
A high-throughput compatible workflow for generation and analysis of homogenous human neural microtissues
Ref.-Nr.: 1012-5677-LI
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening)

File no.: MI-1012-5677-LI-ZE
(liked to MI-1012-4430-LI-ZE describing the generation of neuro- epithelial stem cells as precursors for microtissue generation)
A robust method for producing and analyzing highly homogenous human neural organoids.
A method and device for reversibly attaching a phase changing metal to an object
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5132-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Reversible adhesion can be used to transfer or to manipulate objects. Especially if the objects are small and/or fragile their manipulation become very challenging. Intermolecular forces such as Van-der-Waals can be used to achieve a strong adhesion between the objects. Moreover, surface functionalization and the creation of nano- and microstructures can be used to improve these adhesion properties. Unfortunately, the adhesion becomes insufficient if the surfaces are wet or rough. Another problems ...
Weiterlesen … A method and device for reversibly attaching a phase changing metal to an object
A novel biomarker for a reliable diagnosis of colorectal cancer based on differentially methylated genomic regions
Ref.-Nr.: 0301-4550-LI
Medizin : Diagnostika

With approximately 600,000 deaths annually colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common cancer types worldwide. Early cancer and pre-cancer (polyps) detection by colonoscopy over the age of 50 until now is the best strategy for disease control and the chance of the cancer to be curable. Epigenetic changes such as DNA methylation has been shown to occur already at early stages of tumor development making such differentially methylated regions (DMRs) highly attractive for biomarker development ...
A novel class of herbal compounds saiginols with strong UV-B absorbing properties
Ref.-Nr.: 0402-4816-MG
Grüne Biotechnologie

UV-B radiation is a major damaging agent causing damage to plants, tissues and human or animal skin upon exposure. To persist strong UV-B radiation plants produce additional antioxidant sunscreen pigments that belong to the chemical compound family of phenylpropanoids. Since many conventional compounds with sunscreen protection potential do not enter the market due to toxic side effects or they bear the risk to become environmental pollutants when accumulating in natural resources, application ...
Weiterlesen … A novel class of herbal compounds saiginols with strong UV-B absorbing properties
A novel strategy for reducing inflammation by modulating immune cell metabolism
Ref.-Nr.: 0106-5185-MG
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Lebens-Wissenschaften (inkl. Screening)
Medizin : Therapeutika
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Zellen (bezogen)

Remodeling the morphology of mitochondria to manipulate immune cell metabolism and hence reduce immune cell activation and effector functions
Weiterlesen … A novel strategy for reducing inflammation by modulating immune cell metabolism
A novel type of influenza A virus-derived Defective interfering Particle for antiviral therapy
Ref.-Nr.: 1402-5459-BC
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Antikörper

Human influenza A virus (IAV) is responsible for seasonal disease in people and can cause worldwide pandemics. The main lines of defense against IAV are vaccines and antiviral drugs.
Influenza vaccines, including killed and live vaccines, recombinant virus-like particles and viral particles, have been available commercially for many years. Typically, the composition of influenza vaccines is based on the major influenza virus strains causing infection in the previous season. Accordingly, ...
A predictive 3D multi-scale model of bile flux in the liver lobe
Ref.-Nr.: 1305-5341-MSG
IT / Software / Bioinformatik : Bioinformatik
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Lebens-Wissenschaften (inkl. Screening)
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Zellen (bezogen)

Cholestatic liver diseases are a heterogeneous group of disorders resulting from genetic, metabolic and congenital defects, as well as DILI (drug-induced liver injury, a leading cause of attrition during drug development).
Current diagnostic techniques for DILI and cholestasis are based on the detection of serum markers and imaging methods such as computer tomography. However, these have a low resolution and only provide a limited understanding of the underlying disease etiology. Therapeutic ...
Weiterlesen … A predictive 3D multi-scale model of bile flux in the liver lobe
A process for recycling of noble metals
Ref.-Nr.: 0041-5034-WT
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening)

Noble metals are used in various fields of application such as catalysis, jewelry, high technology electronic equipment, equipment for glass industry and many others. As noble metals are rare and hard to extract from the ores or exhausted compounds, many efforts have been undertaken to establish an efficient recycling process. Due to their corrosion resistant properties, noble metals recycling by means of dissolution is limited to the usage of very reactive and harmful chemicals such as Aqua Regia. ...
A system-wide approach for the identification of druggable proteins in a complex mixture
Ref.-Nr.: 0402-5163-MG

In contrast to target-based drug discovery, phenotypic screening discloses the effect of a compound on a biological system without revealing its mode of action or its interaction sites. Phenotypic screening has delivered several new valuable drugs, however, the major challenge remains target deconvolution (1). In recent years, “omics” techniques and bioinformatics have brought significant advances to target identification in drug discovery phenotypic screening. However, such analyses can become ...
A tunable cohesive granular material
Ref.-Nr.: 0705-5158-BC
Neue Materialien

For sieving and separation purposes porous materials with adjustable sizes and shapes of the pores as well as tunable mechanical properties are required. The existing materials such as sintered materials, open-cell foams or cemented aggregates can be made porous but they are either fragile or can collapse for large deformation. Therefore, chemically inert and damage resistant porous materials with adjustable permeability as well as mechanical and geometrical properties that can sustain large deformation ...
Accurate contactless measurement of surface and micro sample temperatures
Ref.-Nr.: 0041-5601-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

The study of mechanical properties of materials at high temperatures at the microstructural length scale requires dedicated testing setups. An accurate measurement of the sample temperature is vital for reliable testing. Most of the successful current testing platforms record the temperatures of the sample and tip near the heating sources but not at the respective surface. As a consequence, due to spatial and temporal thermal gradients a reliable surface temperature cannot be measured today. Even ...
Weiterlesen … Accurate contactless measurement of surface and micro sample temperatures
Advanced magnetic zipper for industrial and consumer applications
Ref.-Nr.: 0705-4974-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Conventional mechanical zippers find manifold applications for luggage, clothing or even industrial applications. However, their design features significant disadvantages. In particular, they require the use of both hands by the user to align the ends of the garment and lock the insertion pin into the slider. This mechanism can be prone to jamming and failure and more generally requires the user to free his or her hands. The user must further use one or both hands to move the slider along the ...
Weiterlesen … Advanced magnetic zipper for industrial and consumer applications
Advanced vorticity measurements on complex flows
Ref.-Nr.: 0705-4770-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

The dynamics of complex flows and turbulences are dominated by vortices of many different scales. In general, the vortex describes the group motion of fluid elements in a circular fashion, whereas the vorticity quantizes this spinning moment of a fluid element confined to a small neighborhood.
For diagnosis of flows, conventional techniques track the movements of small particles added into the flow (e.g., Lagrangian particle tracking, LPT, and particle image velocimetry, PIV). However, ...
Weiterlesen … Advanced vorticity measurements on complex flows
Alpha-defensins (HNPs) Effectively Inhibit Anthrax-related Toxemia
Ref.-Nr.: 0305-3252-LI
Medizin : Therapeutika

Anthrax is an acute infectious disease caused by the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus anthracis. B.anthracis can cause human disease via the gastrointestinal, cutaneous or inhalational routes. There is still a considerably high rate of mortality from inhalational anthrax of up to 75 percent, even though fluorquinolone class antibiotics (e.g., ciprofloxacin) are being administered as a first-line therapy. This strategy, in addition, is being threatened by the spread of plasmid-mediated ...
Weiterlesen … Alpha-defensins (HNPs) Effectively Inhibit Anthrax-related Toxemia
Anti-mouse and anti-rabbit IgG secondary VHH single domain antibodies optimized for all immuno-labeling applications
Ref.-Nr.: 0707-5419-LI
Neue Materialien

Anti-IgG secondary antibodies are major tools for the detection or immobilization of primary antibodies in approaches such as western blotting, ELISA, Co-IP and immunofluorescence. Polyclonal anti-IgG secondary antibodies are produced in animals, such as mouse, rabbit, rat, and goat and are directed against the IgG classes of these animals. Thus, the generation of such secondary antibodies requires the keeping and use of a large number of animals, which is not only costly but also a major ethical ...
Apparatus and method for creating a holographic ultrasound field in an object
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5066-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Ultrasound is being used in many fields ranging from medical imaging and therapy to non-destructive testing, contact-free particle handling or spatially selective heating in industrial settings. Often, those applications require shaping (including focusing) of an ultrasonic field. Compared to existing transducers with fixed lenses or phased array transducers (PATs) the present invention allows much more sophisticated sound fields to be generated using much simpler and cheaper technology.
Weiterlesen … Apparatus and method for creating a holographic ultrasound field in an object
BALSAC: Build and Analyze Lattices, Surfaces, And Clusters
Ref.-Nr.: 0302-1508-LC
IT / Software / Bioinformatik

PC-based software to construct lattice sections and clusters/molecules with extended graphical display and analysis options.
Weiterlesen … BALSAC: Build and Analyze Lattices, Surfaces, And Clusters
BiQ Analyzer Software for DNA Methylation Analysis, Visualization and Quality Control
Ref.-Nr.: 1200-3727 BC

BiQ Analyzer is a software tool for easy visualization and quality control of DNA methylation data. With more than a thousand users worldwide, BiQ Analyzer has become a standard tool for processing DNA methylation data from bisulfite sequencing. BiQ Analyzer has been selected by ABI to be part of the Applied Biosystems Software Community Program.
Weiterlesen … BiQ Analyzer Software for DNA Methylation Analysis, Visualization and Quality Control
Carbon-neutral and carbon-positive photorespiration bypass routes supporting higher photosynthetic rate and yield
Ref.-Nr. 0402-5003-MG
Grüne Biotechnologie

Carbon fixation is arguably the most important biochemical processes on earth, supporting our biosphere by transforming inorganic carbon into organic matter and literally feeding all life forms. The reductive pentose phosphate cycle (rPP, also known as the Calvin–Benson–Bassham Cycle) is responsible for ≥95% of the carbon fixed in the biosphere. Although under a strong selective pressure for eons, this process displays major inefficiencies, some are due to the low catalytic rate and the ...
Cell-Penetrating Fluorescent Dyes with Secondary Alcohol Functionalities
Ref.-Nr.: 0707-5236-BC
Bildgebung und Mikroskopie
Neue Materialien

Fluorescent dyes are widely used as indispensable markers in biology, optical microscopy, and analytical chemistry. The availability and the proper choice of the dye is a key factor to success of the entire labelling and imaging procedure. Due to superior brightness and photostability, synthetic dyes often represent an attractive alternative to fluorescent proteins.
Among the multitude of fluorophores reported so far, only rhodamines, carbopyronines, and silicon-rhodamines bearing a carboxyl ...
Weiterlesen … Cell-Penetrating Fluorescent Dyes with Secondary Alcohol Functionalities
Chlamydomonas Strains that Efficiently Express Nuclear Transgenes
Ref.-Nr.: 0402-3923-MG
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening)

Unicellular eukaryotic green algae from the Chlamydomonas genus are highly attractive for biotechnological production due to their rapid growth and the capability to produce high amounts of biomass at low costs. However, low expression levels of nuclear transgenes in algae have seriously limited the use of algae in production of e.g. “green chemicals”, biofuels or recombinant proteins.
Weiterlesen … Chlamydomonas Strains that Efficiently Express Nuclear Transgenes
Closure Device for Evaporator Cell of a Coating System
Ref.-Nr.: 1201-5136-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Evaporation cells for thin film deposition often operate under ultrahigh vacuum or special gas atmosphere, requiring long growth campaigns and short maintenance openings to preserve the best possible vacuum environment. The deposition leads to coating of the inner chamber walls, the removal of which is difficult and very time consuming. Growth control and interruptions during material deposition may require frequent operation of the closure device or shutter. The commonly used shutter (Fig. 1) ...
Weiterlesen … Closure Device for Evaporator Cell of a Coating System
Compact high-voltage vacuum feedthrough
Ref.-Nr.: 0302-4988-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Applying high voltages in vacuum applications requires feedthroughs, which electrically insulate the conductor from the vacuum chamber whilst being vacuum-tight. In high- and ultrahigh vacuum environments, the materials used need to be low in outgassing rates. The current technology for feedthroughs withstanding tens to hundreds of kilovolts relies on vacuum-tight ceramic to metal connections, which are heavy, fragile and prone to contamination. Commercially available feedthroughs are stand-alone ...
Coupling part
Ref.-Nr.: 0704-5610-BC
Medizin : Diagnostika
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Diese neuartige schraubenfreie Kupplung, die auch als Überlastungskupplung eingesetzt werden kann, bietet die Möglichkeit ohne zusätzliches Werkzeug zwei drehbare Elemente auch unter extrem engen Bedingungen, spielfrei und kraftschlüssig mit hoher Präzision miteinander zu verbinden. Bisher auf dem Markt bekannte Kupplungen sind aufgrund ihrer Größe für Anwendungen im Bereich der Elektronik, der Optik, der Messtechnik sowie der Präzisionstechnik ungeeignet. Wohingegen dank der neuen Technologie, ...
Cyclopropenylylidene-Stabilized Phosphenium Cations and their Applications in Homogeneous Catalysis
Ref.-Nr.: 0042-5177-LC-WA
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Chemische
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Andere
Neue Materialien

We offer novel phosphenium ligands and corresponding metal complexes (both air stable) that are claimed as substances by granted EP and US patents. The ligands can be prepared in multigram scale by simple direct condensation. The corresponding gold complexes are suitable as homogeneous catalysts in organic synthesis (such as cycloisomerization) that can be easily precipitated and recycled due to their salt properties.
Ref.-Nr.: 1401-4358-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik

Das Verfahren der Lock-in-Thermographie (LIT) gestattet es, 2-dimensionale Bilder der Verteilung der in einer Probe dissipierten Leistung zu erzeugen. Allerdings sind diese Lock-in Thermogramme noch durch die unvermeidliche laterale Wärmediffusion in der Probe "verbreitert" (blurred). Das "DECONV"-Programm gestattet es, diese thermische Verbreiterung durch die Anwendung eines örtlichen Entfaltungs-Verfahrens wieder rückgängig zu machen und dadurch die effektive Ortsauflösung der Lock-in-Thermographie ...
Detection of adhesion resistance in cells or lipid membranes by noise analysis
Ref.-Nr.: 0204-3316-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

The function of brain tissue is based on the dynamics of numerous nerve cells and their synaptic interaction. Direct electrical interfacing of semiconductors and nerve cells is the physical basis for a systematic development of hybrid neuroelectronic devices, such as neurocomputers and neuroprostheses. Excited nerve cells and field-effect transistors are coupled by a dissipative mechanism: ionic current through the adherent cell membrane flows along the electrical resistance of a narrow layer ...
Weiterlesen … Detection of adhesion resistance in cells or lipid membranes by noise analysis
Do you need to shut down protein synthesis reversibly and in a cell-type specific manner?
Ref.-Nr.: 0602-5504-LI
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Lebens-Wissenschaften (inkl. Screening)
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Andere
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Nukleinsäure (bezogen)
A precise and genetically encoded inhibitor for cell-type selective, inducible and reversible inhibition of protein synthesis
Flash 2 – Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ref.-Nr.: 0707-4198-BC
Bildgebung und Mikroskopie
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is nowadays a leading mo¬dality for diagnostic imaging with about 100 million examinations per year worldwide. However, when invented by Paul Christian Lauterbur in 1973, MRI was too slow to allow for routine medical applications. A breakthrough was achieved in 1985 by the FLASH (Fast Low Angle Shot) technique developed by Jens Frahm and his team at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. With FLASH the measuring time for a cross-sectional ...
Weiterlesen … Flash 2 – Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
High-precision base editors for site-specific single nucleotide conversion
Ref.-Nr.: 0402-5782-MG-ZE
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening)

The CRISPR-Cas system is a powerful tool for site-specific genome editing. The Cas9endonuclease is capable of introducing DNA double strand breaks at a desired location withhigh precision. The lesion is repaired either in an errorprone process leading to gene inactivation or in a highly accurate way relying on an external template. Modification of the template may serve to introduce selected mutations, modified sequencesorentirely new genes.The accurate pathway comes with low endogenous efficiency. ...
Weiterlesen … High-precision base editors for site-specific single nucleotide conversion
Laser device with kerr effect based mode-locking and operation thereof
Ref.-Nr.: 1202-4422-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

A laser device (100), configured for generating laser pulses, has a laser resonator (10) with a gain disk medium (11) and a Kerr medium (12). The laser resonator (10) includes a first mode shaping section (13) which is adapted for shaping a circulating electric field coupled into the gain disk medium (11), and a second mode shaping section (14), which is adapted for shaping the circulating electric field coupled into the Kerr medium (12) independently of the electric field shaping in the first ...
Weiterlesen … Laser device with kerr effect based mode-locking and operation thereof
Leaf metabolites as markers for mycorrhizal colonization of plant roots
Ref.-Nr.: 1602-5392-LI
Grüne Biotechnologie

Screening the level of specific blumenols in plant leaves allows simple implementation in marker assisted breeding and high-throughput analysis.
Weiterlesen … Leaf metabolites as markers for mycorrhizal colonization of plant roots
Multichannel coil for UHF MRI
Ref.-Nr.: 0107-4677-BC
Bildgebung und Mikroskopie
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Exploiting the benefits offered by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at ultra-high fields (≥ 7 Tesla) requires optimized radiofrequency (RF) coils. MRI at UHF operates in a regime where the RF wavelength is comparable to the dimensions of the sample size, resulting in an inhomogeneous distribution of the transmit field (B1+) and in an impaired image quality. An array of independent transmit coils arranged in multiple rows provides the degrees of freedom to influence the ...
Multifunctional RFID-based Platform for Animal Observation and Manipulation
Ref.-Nr.: 0214-5247-MG und 0214-5440-MG
IT / Software / Bioinformatik : (andere) Software
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Sensoren
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Geräte
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Komponenten
An efficient system to monitor and control animal behavior in wildlife as well as in laboratory settings
Weiterlesen … Multifunctional RFID-based Platform for Animal Observation and Manipulation
N-substituted pyridiniophosphines, processes for their preparation and their use
Ref.-Nr.: 0042-4938-LC-WA
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Chemische
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Andere
Neue Materialien

We offer a new family of cationic ligands, namely N-alkyl/aryl pyridiniophosphines. The ligands can be synthesized through a short, scalable, and highly modular route.
Evaluation of their electronic properties evidenced weak σ-donor and quite strong π-acceptor character when used as ancillary ligands.
Weiterlesen … N-substituted pyridiniophosphines, processes for their preparation and their use
Nanographene-based dyes as high performance probes for super-resolution microscopy
Ref.-Nr.: 0903-5658-LC; 0903-5696-LC; 0903-5692-LC
Bildgebung und Mikroskopie
Neue Materialien

Super-resolution microscopy critically relies on the availability of appropriate fluorophores. For single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM), fluorophores are needed that stochastically switch between bright (on) and dark (off) states. This phenomenon is also called fluorescence blinking. For stimulated emission depletion microscopy (STED) the dyes must be photo-switchable.
Weiterlesen … Nanographene-based dyes as high performance probes for super-resolution microscopy
Neuro-epithelial stem cells (NESC) capable of forming both central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) neurons
Ref.-Nr.: 1012-4430-LI
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening)

File no.: MI-1012-4430-LI-ZE
(liked to MI-1012-5677-LI-ZE describing the generation of human neural microtissues from NECS cells)
A novel precursor population that forms electrophysiologically functional neurons more quickly than protocols starting with hPSCs.
New KDAC assay and selection system
Ref.-Nr.: 0803-5480-MSG
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Lebens-Wissenschaften (inkl. Screening)
Medizin : Diagnostika
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Protein (bezogen)

Extremely sensitive, reliable and fast novel KDAC assay, which can be performed in a continuous format. This novel KDAC assay is based on Firefly luciferase harboring an acetylation on an essential active site lysine, incorporated by genetic code expansion. We furthermore offer a bacterial selection system for KDACs, which uses a reporter enzyme inactivated by lysine modifications at an essential active site residue, thereby linking deacetylase activity to a selectable output.
Newly identified subpopulation of NK cells with the promise to treat obesity and insulin resistance
Medizin : Therapeutika
Medizin : Diagnostika

An new approach for treatment of obesity and insulin resistance, that relies on selective ablation of a unique, previously uncharacterized subpopulation of myeloid NK cells.
Novel antiviral therapy against HIV-1 and alphaviruses: reducing frameshifting by increasing tRNALeu concentrations
Ref.-Nr.: 0707-5639-MG
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Lebens-Wissenschaften (inkl. Screening)
Medizin : Therapeutika
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Nukleinsäure (bezogen)

Antiviral therapy against retroviruses and alphaviruses using tRNALeu(UUA) overexpression
Novel Biomarkers for Ageing and Metabolic Health
Ref.-Nr.: 1013-5354-MSG
Medizin : Therapeutika
Medizin : Diagnostika
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Andere
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Zellen (bezogen)

Biomarkers of ageing have long been sought after to help assess the biological age and general health status of individuals. Considerable efforts have been invested to identify such biomarkers, including physiologic readouts, metabolic parameters, glycomic profiles and others. Nevertheless, markers with strong predictive power have remained elusive.
Work in model organisms has identified several conserved signaling pathways that extend life span, such as reduced insulin/IGF signaling and ...
Weiterlesen … Novel Biomarkers for Ageing and Metabolic Health
Novel glycan markers for diagnosis and vaccine against toxoplasmosis
Ref.-Nr.: 0401-4561-MG
Medizin : Diagnostika
Synthetic Glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs) with high selectivity and purity for Toxoplasmosis diagnosis and vaccine.
Weiterlesen … Novel glycan markers for diagnosis and vaccine against toxoplasmosis
Novel method for analysis of complex carbohydrate structures by ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS)
Ref.-Nr.: 0401-5070-MG

Carbohydrates form one of the major classes of biological macromolecules in living organisms, but structural analysis and the quality control of carbohydrate structures represent a major challenge due to the frequent occurrence of isomers that are difficult to distinguish using established techniques.
Changes in protein glycosylation are frequently identified in the context of diseases. For example, alterations in N-glycan profiles from blood plasma have been found to correlate with pathological ...
Novel protein expression optimization method combining machine learning with insights from mechanistic modelling of mRNA translation
Ref.-Nr.: 0401-5011-LC-WA
IT / Software / Bioinformatik : Bioinformatik

Researchers of the Max-Planck-Institute for Colloids and Interfaces and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute (PEI) have developed a novel codon-specific elongation model (COSEM), that is based on the question how codon bias affects protein expression in combination with a deep understanding of protein synthesis.
Organotextile Catalysis
Ref.-Nr.: 0042-4764-LC-WA
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Chemische
Neue Materialien

An easy process for the facile and permanent immobilization of organocatalysts on nylon textiles was developed.
All of the prepared textile-immobilized organocatalysts (a Lewis basic, a Brønsted acidic, and a chiral organocatalyst) display excellent stability, activity and recyclability for various organic transformations. Very good enantioselectivity (>95:5 enantiomeric ratio) can be maintained for more than 250 cycles of asymmetric catalysis. The flexible construction of fabrics allows ...
Ozone scrubber
Ref.-Nr.: 0901-5500-LC-WA
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Chemische

Scientists in the group of Atmospheric Chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz have developed a novel thiosulfate based ozone scrubber to ensure accurate measurements of trace analytes. It is known from the literature that commercial potassium iodide (KI) containing ozone scrubbers can cause errors in the measurement of carbonyl compounds such as aldehydes and ketones due to byproducts formed from the oxidation of KI. Commercial ozone scrubbers based on sodium thiosulfate ...
PLAYFUL Reactive Programming for Orchestrating Robotic Behavior
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5603-BC
IT / Software / Bioinformatik

Playful is a scripting language for orchestration of Python modules. Playful allows developers to both organize the logic of activation in reactive behaviour tree and setup sensory-motor couplings, making it especially useful for robotics
Weiterlesen … PLAYFUL Reactive Programming for Orchestrating Robotic Behavior
Reducing phase singularities in speckle interferometry
Ref.-Nr.: 1629-5142-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Geräte

Speckle interferometry is an established metrology technique for the characterization of rough objects. Deformations of rough objects under a load can be determined, as well as – with the help of an additional second wavelength – the surface shape of the object under test. As an illustration, Figure 1 (left) shows the so called raw phase as a result of a deformation measurement on a metal plate. The shape and the density of the fringes indicate the response of the metal plate to the load.
Owing ...
Weiterlesen … Reducing phase singularities in speckle interferometry
RNA-CASing: means and methods for selective isolation and stabilization of RNA molecules
Ref.-Nr.: 0706-5433-MSG
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Lebens-Wissenschaften (inkl. Screening)
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Andere
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Nukleinsäure (bezogen)

RNACasing: A novel and selective way of isolating and stabilizing RNA molecules, which enables processing, storing and shipping of RNA at room temperature.
SIMNRA 7 software
Ref.-Nr.: 1801-4849-WT
IT / Software / Bioinformatik

SIMNRA is a Microsoft Windows program for the simulation of energy spectra for ion beam analysis with incident ions from about 100 keV to many MeV. SIMNRA can be used for the simulation of Rutherford backscattering (RBS), elastic backscattering with non-Rutherford cross-sections (EBS), nuclear reaction analysis (NRA), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), and medium energy ion scattering (MEIS). Almost 3000 different non-Rutherford and nuclear reactions cross-sections for incident protons, ...
Simple, one-step assay for reliable measurements of NAD(H) and NADP(H) in complex samples
Ref.-Nr.: 0105-5434-MSG
A simple, one-step assay for reliable measurements of NAD(H) and NADP(H) in complex samples, with various applications such as enzymatic assays, clinicals tests, and as point of care tests in the field of ageing.
Soft Capsule Endoscope - "B-MASCE"
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5410-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Im Zuge der stetigen Weiterentwicklung und Nachfrage auf dem Gebiet der minimal invasiven Chirugie wurde am Max-Planck-Institut für intelligente Systeme in Stuttgart im Team von Herrn Prof Sitti für patientenfreundliche Magen-Darm-Untersuchungen ein kabelloses kapselförmiges Endoskop in Pillengröße, das sogenannte "B-MASCE" entwickelt. Die aus einem Elastomer bestehende Kapsel dient hierbei sowohl als Gehäuse als auch als Federelement für die Nadel. Über in der Kapsel eingebaute Magnete ...
SUMOvera: A Truly Orthogonal Cleavage Module
Ref.-Nr.: 0402-5439-LI
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Lebens-Wissenschaften (inkl. Screening)
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Andere
Nukleinsäure-, Protein-, Zell-bezogene Technologien : Protein (bezogen)
SUMOvera enables versatile purification strategies for broad applications in eukaryotic hosts.
Superamphiphobic membranes for gas exchange and scrubbing
Ref.-Nr.: 0903-4616-LC
Neue Materialien

Novel gas exchange membranes based on superamphiphobic coatings applied on metal meshes were created and tested in different applications, like gas scrubbing and blood oxygenation.
By using the novel membrans drawbacks of traditional membranes - like insufficient wetting, plugging and depositions chemical incompatibility and temperature instability - can be avoided.
Weiterlesen … Superamphiphobic membranes for gas exchange and scrubbing
The Camera Offset Space: Real-time Potentially Visible Set Computations for Streaming Rendering
Ref.-Nr.: 1200-5472-BC
IT / Software / Bioinformatik

The presented technology offers an enhanced streaming rendering pipeline that enables the display of high fidelity, high framerate and high solution for noval views in real time on thin lightweight HMDs suitable especially for VR experiences.
How does it work?
The key idea of this technology is based on a novel algorithm for Potentially Visible Set (PVS) creation: the camera offset space (COS), which for a given point on the image plane provides information under which camera ...
Thioimidazolium ionic liquids as non-volatile and derivatizable alkylating reagents
Ref.-Nr.: 0401-5411-LC-WA
Prozesse und Methoden (inkl. Screening) : Chemische
Forschungs-Reagenzien : Andere
Neue Materialien

The offered thioimidazolium ionic liquids are a class of easily synthesized and harnessed alkylating agents that are completely non-volatile. The active alkylating species is produced in-situ, thus eliminating exposure and the need for specialized equipment. These features can also be used in the solid-state by their attachment to a poly(styrene) support, which allows for easy purification of the product and regeneration of the thioimidazolium alkylator and could be of special interest for flow ...
Weiterlesen … Thioimidazolium ionic liquids as non-volatile and derivatizable alkylating reagents
Water content sensor for biological soil crusts
Ref.-No.: 0901-4720-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

In arid and semiarid regions biological soil crusts (BSC) cover about 1/3 of the soil surface. As far as it is known, these BSC (consisting of cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, bryophytes, and other bacteria living in contact with soil particles) are crucial for the global terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycle. The water status plays a major role, since their water content directly controls the activity of these poikilohydric organisms.
Weiterlesen … Water content sensor for biological soil crusts