Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten
A graphene diode with bias-induced barrier modulation
Ref.-Nr.: 1201-5155-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes are very promising for application as rectennas for solar energy harvesting, photo-detectors and high frequency mixers. Good MIM diode performance requires a high asymmetry, a strong nonlinearity, a large responsively, as well as a low resistance or a high on-current. These figures of merit are mainly determined by the work function difference of the electrodes, and the barrier height between the insulator and the electrode materials. In the design of MIM diodes, ...
Weiterlesen … A graphene diode with bias-induced barrier modulation
A method and device for reversibly attaching a phase changing metal to an object
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5132-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Reversible adhesion can be used to transfer or to manipulate objects. Especially if the objects are small and/or fragile their manipulation become very challenging. Intermolecular forces such as Van-der-Waals can be used to achieve a strong adhesion between the objects. Moreover, surface functionalization and the creation of nano- and microstructures can be used to improve these adhesion properties. Unfortunately, the adhesion becomes insufficient if the surfaces are wet or rough. Another problems ...
Weiterlesen … A method and device for reversibly attaching a phase changing metal to an object
Accurate contactless measurement of surface and micro sample temperatures
Ref.-Nr.: 0041-5601-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

The study of mechanical properties of materials at high temperatures at the microstructural length scale requires dedicated testing setups. An accurate measurement of the sample temperature is vital for reliable testing. Most of the successful current testing platforms record the temperatures of the sample and tip near the heating sources but not at the respective surface. As a consequence, due to spatial and temporal thermal gradients a reliable surface temperature cannot be measured today. Even ...
Weiterlesen … Accurate contactless measurement of surface and micro sample temperatures
Advanced magnetic zipper for industrial and consumer applications
Ref.-Nr.: 0705-4974-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Conventional mechanical zippers find manifold applications for luggage, clothing or even industrial applications. However, their design features significant disadvantages. In particular, they require the use of both hands by the user to align the ends of the garment and lock the insertion pin into the slider. This mechanism can be prone to jamming and failure and more generally requires the user to free his or her hands. The user must further use one or both hands to move the slider along the ...
Weiterlesen … Advanced magnetic zipper for industrial and consumer applications
Advanced vorticity measurements on complex flows
Ref.-Nr.: 0705-4770-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

The dynamics of complex flows and turbulences are dominated by vortices of many different scales. In general, the vortex describes the group motion of fluid elements in a circular fashion, whereas the vorticity quantizes this spinning moment of a fluid element confined to a small neighborhood.
For diagnosis of flows, conventional techniques track the movements of small particles added into the flow (e.g., Lagrangian particle tracking, LPT, and particle image velocimetry, PIV). However, ...
Weiterlesen … Advanced vorticity measurements on complex flows
Apparatus and method for creating a holographic ultrasound field in an object
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5066-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Ultrasound is being used in many fields ranging from medical imaging and therapy to non-destructive testing, contact-free particle handling or spatially selective heating in industrial settings. Often, those applications require shaping (including focusing) of an ultrasonic field. Compared to existing transducers with fixed lenses or phased array transducers (PATs) the present invention allows much more sophisticated sound fields to be generated using much simpler and cheaper technology.
Weiterlesen … Apparatus and method for creating a holographic ultrasound field in an object
Closure Device for Evaporator Cell of a Coating System
Ref.-Nr.: 1201-5136-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Evaporation cells for thin film deposition often operate under ultrahigh vacuum or special gas atmosphere, requiring long growth campaigns and short maintenance openings to preserve the best possible vacuum environment. The deposition leads to coating of the inner chamber walls, the removal of which is difficult and very time consuming. Growth control and interruptions during material deposition may require frequent operation of the closure device or shutter. The commonly used shutter (Fig. 1) ...
Weiterlesen … Closure Device for Evaporator Cell of a Coating System
Compact high-voltage vacuum feedthrough
Ref.-Nr.: 0302-4988-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Applying high voltages in vacuum applications requires feedthroughs, which electrically insulate the conductor from the vacuum chamber whilst being vacuum-tight. In high- and ultrahigh vacuum environments, the materials used need to be low in outgassing rates. The current technology for feedthroughs withstanding tens to hundreds of kilovolts relies on vacuum-tight ceramic to metal connections, which are heavy, fragile and prone to contamination. Commercially available feedthroughs are stand-alone ...
Coupling part
Ref.-Nr.: 0704-5610-BC
Medizin : Diagnostika
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Diese neuartige schraubenfreie Kupplung, die auch als Überlastungskupplung eingesetzt werden kann, bietet die Möglichkeit ohne zusätzliches Werkzeug zwei drehbare Elemente auch unter extrem engen Bedingungen, spielfrei und kraftschlüssig mit hoher Präzision miteinander zu verbinden. Bisher auf dem Markt bekannte Kupplungen sind aufgrund ihrer Größe für Anwendungen im Bereich der Elektronik, der Optik, der Messtechnik sowie der Präzisionstechnik ungeeignet. Wohingegen dank der neuen Technologie, ...
Detection of adhesion resistance in cells or lipid membranes by noise analysis
Ref.-Nr.: 0204-3316-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

The function of brain tissue is based on the dynamics of numerous nerve cells and their synaptic interaction. Direct electrical interfacing of semiconductors and nerve cells is the physical basis for a systematic development of hybrid neuroelectronic devices, such as neurocomputers and neuroprostheses. Excited nerve cells and field-effect transistors are coupled by a dissipative mechanism: ionic current through the adherent cell membrane flows along the electrical resistance of a narrow layer ...
Weiterlesen … Detection of adhesion resistance in cells or lipid membranes by noise analysis
Flash 2 – Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Ref.-Nr.: 0707-4198-BC
Bildgebung und Mikroskopie
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is nowadays a leading mo¬dality for diagnostic imaging with about 100 million examinations per year worldwide. However, when invented by Paul Christian Lauterbur in 1973, MRI was too slow to allow for routine medical applications. A breakthrough was achieved in 1985 by the FLASH (Fast Low Angle Shot) technique developed by Jens Frahm and his team at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany. With FLASH the measuring time for a cross-sectional ...
Weiterlesen … Flash 2 – Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Laser device with kerr effect based mode-locking and operation thereof
Ref.-Nr.: 1202-4422-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

A laser device (100), configured for generating laser pulses, has a laser resonator (10) with a gain disk medium (11) and a Kerr medium (12). The laser resonator (10) includes a first mode shaping section (13) which is adapted for shaping a circulating electric field coupled into the gain disk medium (11), and a second mode shaping section (14), which is adapted for shaping the circulating electric field coupled into the Kerr medium (12) independently of the electric field shaping in the first ...
Weiterlesen … Laser device with kerr effect based mode-locking and operation thereof
Multichannel coil for UHF MRI
Ref.-Nr.: 0107-4677-BC
Bildgebung und Mikroskopie
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Exploiting the benefits offered by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at ultra-high fields (≥ 7 Tesla) requires optimized radiofrequency (RF) coils. MRI at UHF operates in a regime where the RF wavelength is comparable to the dimensions of the sample size, resulting in an inhomogeneous distribution of the transmit field (B1+) and in an impaired image quality. An array of independent transmit coils arranged in multiple rows provides the degrees of freedom to influence the ...
Multifunctional RFID-based Platform for Animal Observation and Manipulation
Ref.-Nr.: 0214-5247-MG und 0214-5440-MG
IT / Software / Bioinformatik : (andere) Software
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Sensoren
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Geräte
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Komponenten
An efficient system to monitor and control animal behavior in wildlife as well as in laboratory settings
Weiterlesen … Multifunctional RFID-based Platform for Animal Observation and Manipulation
Reducing phase singularities in speckle interferometry
Ref.-Nr.: 1629-5142-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten : Geräte

Speckle interferometry is an established metrology technique for the characterization of rough objects. Deformations of rough objects under a load can be determined, as well as – with the help of an additional second wavelength – the surface shape of the object under test. As an illustration, Figure 1 (left) shows the so called raw phase as a result of a deformation measurement on a metal plate. The shape and the density of the fringes indicate the response of the metal plate to the load.
Owing ...
Weiterlesen … Reducing phase singularities in speckle interferometry
Soft Capsule Endoscope - "B-MASCE"
Ref.-Nr.: 0104-5410-BC
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

Im Zuge der stetigen Weiterentwicklung und Nachfrage auf dem Gebiet der minimal invasiven Chirugie wurde am Max-Planck-Institut für intelligente Systeme in Stuttgart im Team von Herrn Prof Sitti für patientenfreundliche Magen-Darm-Untersuchungen ein kabelloses kapselförmiges Endoskop in Pillengröße, das sogenannte "B-MASCE" entwickelt. Die aus einem Elastomer bestehende Kapsel dient hierbei sowohl als Gehäuse als auch als Federelement für die Nadel. Über in der Kapsel eingebaute Magnete ...
Water content sensor for biological soil crusts
Ref.-No.: 0901-4720-WT
Sensoren, Geräte und Komponenten

In arid and semiarid regions biological soil crusts (BSC) cover about 1/3 of the soil surface. As far as it is known, these BSC (consisting of cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, bryophytes, and other bacteria living in contact with soil particles) are crucial for the global terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycle. The water status plays a major role, since their water content directly controls the activity of these poikilohydric organisms.
Weiterlesen … Water content sensor for biological soil crusts