A novel biomarker for a reliable diagnosis of colorectal cancer based on differentially methylated genomic regions
Medizin : Diagnostika
Ref.-Nr.: 0301-4550-LI
Scientists at the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics found by DNA methylation high-throughput sequencing a number of specific genomic regions marked by differential DNA methylation. In particular one specific interesting region was identified that reliably allows the discrimination of normal and colorectal cancer tissue. This genomic region is free of copy-number alterations and has been verified in colorectal tissue samples. The technology described here also offers the possibility to detect such DMRs in colorectal associated fluids, e.g. blood, lymph and feces. This biomarker has been correlated to clinical parameters, such as CIMP (CpG island methylator phenotype), histology and lymph node status and enables an early and reliable diagnosis of CRC. Furthermore this biomarker could be used to follow-up whether a chemotherapeutic treatment is efficacious or not. Currently, we are looking for a licensing partner interested in the further development and application of this method in diagnosis and treatment of CRC patients.
Patent Information
European priority application has been filed on 14th August 2012.
[1] “Genomics and epigenomics of colorectal cancer.“ WIREs Syst Biol Med 2013, 5:205–219. doi: 10.1002/wsbm.1206
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