SIMNRA 7 software
IT / Software / Bioinformatik
Ref.-Nr.: 1801-4849-WT
Main features:
- Fully graphical user interface with support for high-resolution devices
- Available stopping powers: SRIM 2003 or higher, Konac et al. (for C and Si targets), Ziegler-Biersack (identical to SRIM 97), Andersen-Ziegler, user defined
- Energy loss straggling: Bohr straggling, Chu correction to Bohr straggling, straggling due to charge state fluctuations, propagation of straggling in thick layers
- Geometrical straggling due to finite beam width and detector aperture
- Multiple small angle scattering, identical to E. Szilágyi's DEPTH code
- Plural large angle scattering
- Accurate simulation of narrow resonances in the cross-section
- Surface roughness (rough layers, rough substrate)
- Sample porosity
- Roughness of foils in front of the detector and roughness of beam windows
- Live time correction and pile-up simulation, pile-up correction of experimental data
- Detector types: Solid-state detectors, thin (transmission) detectors, time-of-flight detectors, electrostatic detectors
- Data fitting (layer thicknesses, compositions etc.) by means of the Simplex algorithm
- Data analysis tools: Calculation of scattering kinematics, stopping, peak integrals, positions of elements, ...
- OLE automation for automatic analysis of large numbers of spectra or development of new codes
- Read/write of data files in IBA data format (IDF) for easy exchange of data with other simulation programs
- Smooth integration into the windows environment by thumbnail preview images of data files, display of file properties, and integration into Windows Search

Single User license for SIMNRA (version 7.0) without source code:
- 400 EUR (with SigmaCalc)
- 250 EUR (without SigmaCalc)
Campus License for 5 and more users:
- 2.000 EUR (with SigmaCalc)
- 1.250 EUR (without SigmaCalc)
For 1 - 4 users only individual single user licenses are available. The above price includes:
- The license fee for a non-exclusive right to use the software program.
- The software and manual in PDF format.
Dr Matej Mayer
Tel.: ++49 89 3299-1639
SIMNRA home page:
SIMNRA User’s Guide:
M. Mayer, Improved Physics in SIMNRA 7, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 332 (2014) 176, B332-176.pdf
M. Mayer, SIMNRA, a Simulation Program for the Analysis of NRA, RBS and ERDA, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry, J. L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan (eds.), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 475, p. 541 (1999), 475-541.pdf
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